
Does the phrase “I’ll do it tomorrow!” sound familiar? If you’re like most homeowners, you’ve probably said it a million times. It’s especially difficult to get round to cleaning when you’re already busy. On the other hand, there’s no better feeling than spending time in a fresh, squeaky clean environment.

When you can’t bring yourself to do any housework, follow our tips on how you can motivate yourself to clean the house. Alternatively, you can hire professional cleaners for your home in Center City, Philadelphia and forget about house cleaning on your own.

How can I get motivated to clean my house?

How can I get motivated to clean my houseAlthough housework is nobody’s idea of fun, it doesn’t have to be torture either. You won’t dread the thought of cleaning the house anymore with these expert tips:

  • Do it first thing in the morning: If you get it over with as soon as you get out of bed, you’ll start your day on a good note. Most people’s energy and focus peaks in the morning, so take advantage of it. You’ll feel proud of yourself all day!
  • Make it fun: Who says cleaning has to be dull? If you play your favorite music, it will put you in a better mood and propel you to work harder! Some people also like listening to podcasts to keep their minds occupied while they clean.
  • Invite people over: Let’s be honest; you’ll be more eager to avoid slight embarrassment and clean if you have guests coming the next day! You want them to feel as comfortable as possible when your visitors arrive, and this short deadline will encourage you to start cleaning.
  • Make it a family affair: If everyone in the household chips in, the work will get done much sooner. When children are old enough to do housework, they should, because this will teach them responsibility and important skills. Find out how to inspire the whole family to clean.
  • Create a schedule: Create a cleaning checklist by identifying what needs to be done and making a list. Divide bigger tasks into smaller ones to help yourself focus. Learn more about how to get into a good house cleaning routine.
  • Reward yourself: Treat yourself to something nice after completing the cleaning. Whether it’s getting a drink with friends, going shopping or another activity, unwind by doing something that makes you happy!

How do I get energy to clean my house?

With all the other responsibilities that a busy homeowner has, cleaning may often end up at the bottom of your list. On top of this, winter months make many people feel low on energy, which affects their ability to deal with housework, too. If you’re trying to muster energy to do your chores, you may be tempted to have a cup of coffee or an energy drink to give you a boost. However, there are better ways:

  • Take a break before you start in order to replenish your energy.
  • Air out the room, which is known to be invigorating.
  • Do a little bit every day instead of waiting for the mess to accumulate.
  • Create a schedule that’s feasible and realistic.
  • For more energy in general, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

What is the best Center City, Philadelphia house cleaning company?

How do I get energy to clean my houseIf you’ve tried every trick in the book but you’d still rather have a qualified professional do your cleaning for you, you can count on EverGreen Maids. We are a team of skilled cleaners who provide customized cleaning services to residents of Center City and other Philadelphia neighborhoods. You can leave the cleaning to us and enjoy the natural beauty of Benjamin Rush State Park instead.

Find out more information about our services by reaching out to us and requesting a quote. Tell us about your specific requirements and preferences and we’ll do our best to accommodate you. Get your life back by letting us take care of your housework!