
Maintaining a spotless and germ-free home can take a lot of time and energy, especially if you’re also raising a family and working a full-time job. Booking a professional deep house cleaning in center City, Philadelphia, is a fast and easy solution to this problem, but it’s far from the only thing you can do.

A great way to go about it is to have your family help you with cleaning. Doing this will not only make life easier for you, it’ll also give you an excellent opportunity to teach your kids how to keep their homes tidy at all times.

In previous articles, we provided you with some pointers on how to motivate yourself to do house chores and how to create an efficient cleaning routine. Now we’ll provide you with a few tips on how to teach your kids to clean. Read on to learn more.

At what age should a child clean up after themselves?

How do you teach kids to cleanAs young as possible! Seriously, if your children are old enough to hold a conversation, they’re old enough to help out with household chores. By giving them a few simple responsibilities, you’ll enable them to expend their energy in a constructive way and get them used to housekeeping tasks from an early age.

Here’s some housework even young kids can help you with:

  • Using a dry cloth to wipe down freshly washed pans/Tupperware (mind the knives and breakables!)
  • Feeding the pets
  • Getting under furniture and cleaning the dust bunnies there
  • Gathering food wrappings, napkins, and other scattered trash and throwing them away
  • Dusting and wiping down leg rests, low shelves, low tables, cushions, etc.

How do you teach kids to clean?

As a parent, you have a job to teach your kids responsibility, and cleaning is one of them. Luckily, there are ways to teach your kids to clean in a fun, creative and playful way. Turn house cleaning into a game that you play together and include it in the quality time you share. You can even use it as a method to promote healthy competition between siblings, with small treats as prizes.

Even at a very young age, kids perceive household chores as a privilege reserved for grown-ups, and they will probably be proud to take an active part in the house cleaning process. What’s more, learning new things will help them develop a sense of accomplishment and enjoying the end result will be its own reward. Not to mention, children love being active, so if you find a chore that is interesting enough, they will likely be thrilled to pitch in and motivated to do a good job.

How do you assign chores to a child?

How do you assign chores to a childIt depends on how old they are. Small children can help out with simple tasks such as pouring food into the puppy bowl and gathering their toys after they’re done playing.

Kids who are around school age or older can keep their rooms clutter-free and help out during standard cleanings. Depending on how big they are, they’re likely able to do anything from decluttering to wiping down surfaces and loading the dishwasher. When children are helping out with cleaning, it is especially relevant to have only non-toxic cleaning products accessible to them. In the average household, when you aren’t looking is when the kids seem to get into what you don’t expect. Most kids won’t know to avoid ammonia or bleach-containing products, which can harm their health (and possibly damage some surfaces).

Teenagers and young adults should be expected to do as much work around the house as their parents do. At a minimum, they should be tasked with keeping their rooms tidy and cleaning up after meals.  Perhaps there will be resistance initially, but their eyes may be opened to something they hadn’t quite appreciated before- how much you do for them!

Where can I schedule a premium deep house cleaning in Center City, Philadelphia?

With the COVID-19 pandemic still being a problem, making sure your home is clean and germ-free has become more important than ever, but it’s difficult to find the time to consistently thoroughly clean the house.

At  EverGreen Maids, we are always here for you! As the leading provider of residential cleaning services in Center City, we’re superbly equipped to attend to your cleaning needs. Book your cleaning today, or give us a call if you’d like to ask further questions.